Friday, October 3, 2008

"Rain down here..."

[By Sandra]

There are many "quotes" that I remember from Eric.  Dwayne mentioned a few in his talk at the funeral - such as, "I poofed you out" and "I won the war of 1974!"  Another I remember is actually a quote of Eric quoting Piet Baarda - the owner of the dairy farm where he worked.  He apparently shared his wisdom with Eric about how the weather works, and Eric found it amusing to quote him.  The saying went something like, "Rain down here, snow up there!"  "Snow down here, snow up there."  "Rain up there, rain down here." I just remember Eric laughing about the fact that Piet just went on and on about all the different permutations and the different ways it could work!  :-)

Monday, September 29, 2008

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Notes related to his poems

In conjunction with the two poems just posted here, there were some other notes which Eric made:

When I left my heavenly home, I know that before I left, my Heavenly Father told me to call him. He said if I forgot he’d send reminders to help me recall the reward waiting for me if I would follow my heart and the Spirit. He showed me how to use the phone — even where the volume control is. When we’ve lost hope and our hearts are hardened, God can soften our hearts and help us to understand how to forgive.

Another of Eric's Poems

When we left the preexistence; our Heavenly Father’s home,

I have no doubt he told us we’d never be alone.

He told us it would be quite hard, tempting, and seem unfair

But he promised to me and each of us there’d be nothing we couldn’t bear.

I’m sure he stressed with every word to call him every day,

To keep our hearts, minds and spirits in a spotless way.

I wonder if others left for seconds and returned to him again

They went through trials and sorrow, and returned free of sin

I’m so thankful he gave to each of us a Comforter; the Hold Ghost

To help us pass this mortal dwelling and reside with the Heavenly Hosts.

Eric Wrote Poetry

Shortly after Eric’s passing, a few samples of Eric’s poetry were discovered. Here is one of them:

I wish I’d taken a pen or two,

And wrote the things my father knew,

From my childhood and all through life

It could save mankind a lot of strife.

He learned why we came to the world we know;

To raise a family and always grow.

He taught his children proper and good

The way Heavenly Father said he should.

He taught us to look at the blessings he had—

No matter the circumstances, good or bad,

From looking at clouds on a breezy day

To the way that our legs help us run and play.

I always remember the way he would smile

When he’d walk with his grandchildren for over a mile.

He had a bigger heart than he’d like to admit,

But stunk up the bathroom when he started to shave.

[At the funeral, Dwayne said (about that last line) that Eric must have run out of rhymes.]

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

One More Cow Joke

[By Sandra]

OK - I don't know if he actually made this one up.  If he didn't, then we'll call it a tribute that I am making by making one up in his honor.

Where do cows like to go on vacation?

"Cow-ifornia!"  Har Har

Cow Jokes

[By Sandra]

When Eric worked at the Baarda dairy, he went through a phase where he made up cow jokes!  My favorite was:  What do you call it when 2 cows say "moo" at the same time?"  Answer:  A "cow-incidence!"  UGHH  But better than almost all Laffy Taffy jokes!